A standard shipping is charged on all products across India, subject to pre-paid orders. A charge of INR 150 will be applied to all (includes COD) orders.
We also offer shipping for international orders, a basic shipping fee is charged on all international orders. Depending upon the location, the product is delivered to you within 5-7 days from the date the order has been placed.
Import duties/taxes may arise on the arrival of your parcel to the shipping destination. The charges may vary as per the rules of different countries depending on the merchandise, order value, merchandise quantity, end use, and composition of materials used to make the merchandise and is solely at the discretion of the duty officer.
Please note Custom Duty is added over and above the Shipping Cost and order value. Shipping & handling costs, refers to the cost of shipping an item from the shipping location to the destination country.
We do not take any duty/taxes in advance from customers. If any such duty/taxes are applicable for your shipment, the respective courier company will directly contact you with the required information.
On receiving such information, you will have to pay the duty/taxes amount to the concerned courier company. Once paid, the service provider usually delivers the shipment to you within two working days.